Sunday, January 31, 2016


To Fabulously Younique with Kelly!

I decided that instead of hijacking my adoption blog I would start a new blog about Younique.

March 1st, 2015 I made a life changing decision. This is what I did:

Happy New Year!

So, 2015 held a lot of changes for me and my family. Some were good, some were great, some were down right bad!

One of the great one's was (you can tell by the title. teehee) I started my own business. Why is this great you ask? Well, let me share with you my journey.

Around October 2014 a really great friend of mine started a little home based cosmetics business. She told me about it and I thought ok I'll buy her mascara (I don't wear mascara) give it a try. It's all natural and I love what it's doing for her lashes. I want to support her. She is after all family. So I bought it. I tried it. I didn't do a very good job. But I didn't give up. This mascara is a 3 step process. Gel, fibre, gel. So I asked my friend to put it on me so I could see what it could really do for my pretty much invisible lashes. She did. HOLY SMOKERINO'S! I had long, full, beautiful lashes like I'd never seen before! And the best part, I could still wear my glasses and not have mascara all over them. She showed me a little trick to curl my lashes. Use the blow dryer! You put your gel, fibre, gel on and then use your blow dryer under your eyes (on low heat) waving it gently back and forth and your lashes curl up! No beautiful, full, long lashes touching my glasses! AWESOME! I was hooked.

So, a few months later this same friend was having an online party and I joined and played some games, won a few prizes, but more than that I was researching the company. I had a desire to contribute to my family's finances but couldn't find a way. I was homeschooling, doing private peer support for different adoptive families, and running around for doctors appointments, therapy appointments, school functions (not all my kids are home schooled) and run the house. So, you can see that going to work outside my home wasn't going to fit in the schedule. But I was bored. I had a longing to be useful. I wanted to work, but I wanted it to mean something. I looked into going back to school to get my degree, but I don't have the money for that so I was lost. Then my friend's online party. She had a game going to get points and there were several activities to do to try to win. I'm a competitor. I don't like to lose, especially if there's a way I can win.  One of the activities was to sign up to sell this mascara. (the company sells a lot more than mascara.) I had actually toyed with the idea but because my friend sold it, and we run in most of the same circles, live in the same town, I just figured it probably wasn't a good idea. Besides direct sales scares me. I've never done anything like this before. So I asked her what she thought. To my surprise she said she'd love to have me on her team. So I took the leap of faith. I'm doing alright today. But I want to do great. I'm a competitor.

So, I joined Younique. A brand new (just turned 3 years old) cosmetics and skin care company that was started by a brother and sister team. Based out of Utah, they decided that the cosmetics and skin care had to be beneficial. Not just to finances but to skin as well. So they have gone through all hoops to make sure they are 100% qualified and certified to call their lines all naturally based. Not only does this stuff make you look fantastic (it has the ability to just enhance your natural beauty and make you forget you put make up on) but it also makes you feel fantastic. Which is good! Seeing as how the company's mission is to uplift, empower, and validate women globally, while providing them with the opportunity for personal growth and financial reward.  Moreover, they created the Younique Foundation. A place for women and children who have been abused to go and feel safe and receive help. It's also the fastest growing direct sales cosmetics company in the world. So when you put it all together, how can you say no to the opportunity. This company provided me with everything I wanted, including a family of over 200 000 sisters that are there for me day and night. The ability to contribute to my family, help others, share these incredible products, and offer others the same opportunity that I was given. The almost best part? I'm my own boss! I work when I want, where I want (because we are primarily online), and how I want. It's awesome!

I've had people tell me that it's silly for me to call my business a business, or that I should just get a real job, that what I'm doing is just a silly little hobby. Really? When's the last time you put in an hour's work and got paid minimum 20% (starting percentage) commission inside of 3 hours of your sale? Oh, you have to wait for a pay cheque? That must really bite. Can you buy your own product and get paid to do it? I can. So to those people I say, have a nice work week, I'll call you from Mexico.
Wait? What? Didn't I tell you? Younique gives us the opportunity to earn a free trip to every year? Your company, the one where you have a real job, doesn't offer incentive trips? What about car bonuses? Birthday bonuses? Do you have to meet a quota every month? You do? I'm sorry to hear that. It must be a lot of pressure. Well if you ever want to change your life, let me know, because I think you'd be a rockstar with Younique, Imagine you and me on a cruise to Cozumel. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh T S