Monday, February 1, 2016

Did You Know...

That I, just a regular, stay at home mum, has an International Business?
People are noticing!
Do you know people in France, Australia, Germany, Mexico, England, or New Zealand?
And of course we can't forget Canada and the good ol' US of A!
Would they love getting their own make up at a great discount?
Would they feel successful, fulfilled, empowered, uplifted, and validated knowing they
helped others do the same?
Then let's talk!

At 12:01 AM this morning, Younique launched in France! In only 47 minutes our Triple Digits Club was filled! The Triple Digits Club is the first 999 people to sign up as Younique presenters in their country. 47 minutes! That's how crazy fantastic this company is!

This little make up company has grown so fast since it's inception that they are the fastest growing Direct Sales Cosmetics company anywhere!
They have an amazing compensation plan! What other job can you do and get paid within 3 hours of closing your sale? What other job pays you like this AND let's you be your own boss? You decide when; you decide where; you decide how; you decide appropriate attire for your business because you don't have to leave home if you don't feel like it!

There, that's the official stuff to share. Here's my own experience. (again)
I am feeling so powerful. I have never felt so validated, secure in my knowledge that I am doing something not only for my family but for me! I'm not being selfish either. When you're a mum everyone tells you to make sure you 'put you first', 'take care of yourself', 'your family won't benefit from you if you're not here'; but when you do go ahead and do something for yourself you're called selfish. FORGET THAT CRAP! You do deserve to do something for you. I love what I do. I love the products I use and that's why I share them with you. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I can get up in the morning feeling awful but when I do my make up, instantly, yes instantly, I feel better. I look at myself in the mirror and tell myself that there is nothing I can't do. Why? Well people who know me will tell you I've always been unique, but now...I'm YOUnique, and I've never felt better about myself.

I'm helping my family, but I'm helping me too.

Do you want to feel the way I feel? Do you want to get out of your 9 - 5 daily grind? This is no get quick rich scheme; it's a business, and we all know that you only get out of a business what you put into it.

 Let's talk. I can help you.

Have a Fabulash Day!