Thursday, July 7, 2016

Are You Satisfied?

Hello all my lovelies!

Today I wanted to talk with you about product satisfaction.

I am learning that just because I'm in love with my products that I share, it doesn't mean everyone is or will be. Strange, huh? But, that's OK. My feelings don't get hurt.

I, personally, haven't had very many people come back to me and tell me they don't love the products they received from me. But I've had a couple.

There is something that every customer and Direct Sales Rep should know. All products (direct sales) have a guarantee.

Customers: If you've purchased a product, whether it be candles, makeup, food stuffs, cleaning products etc., if you're dissatisfied for any reason contact your representative right away! We can help you. Maybe you can get a refund, or product credit, or replacement for a defective product. The point is, if we don't know you're unhappy we can't help. We really would like the opportunity to make things right, before you tell your friends that our products aren't what we say they are.

Representatives: Follow up with your customers! (I'm particularly bad at this. I'm working on it.) However, prior to selling your product make sure your customer knows your company's guarantee policy, and that you WANT to hear from them if something isn't measuring up to their expectations. Make sure they know they aren't going to 'hurt your feelings' by telling you.

Where did this post come from?
Well, recently I reached out to some of the beauties that were at a home party I did in the Spring. One of those beauties told me she wasn't particularly happy with the products she'd purchased. I was disappointed to learn this of course and then did something that scared the crap out of me. I asked her if she'd be willing to get together with me and go over what was troubling her with the products she'd received. To my great surprise she said she would definitely like to do that! Big, I mean BIG sigh of relief. (My beauty, if you're reading this, THANK YOU! You gave me the kick in the pants that I needed to wrap my head around improving my customer service. You're awesome!) This particular incident was the inspiration for this post.

But there have been a couple of others who weren't exactly thrilled with what they'd purchased and when I did do the proper follow up they said that they were happy. So, when they came to me a few months later and told me that they weren't happy but didn't want to say anything for fear of 'hurting my feelings', I asked them if they'd have their feelings hurt if I told them I wasn't happy with a product they sold me that they hadn't made themselves. The answer was 'of course not. I didn't make it.' I said, "exactly." By the time they came to me our guarantee had run out.

My beautiful ladies, we can't help you if we don't know. We can't help our companies improve if you don't tell us what you don't like.

Believe me when I say that when my company comes out with a new product, I try it first. I won't sell a product I wouldn't use myself and love it. 
For example, my company re-invented their most popular item, the mascara. They did this to stop counterfeiter's from selling what looked exactly like our mascara but was cheaper and made with chemical ingredients, which ours isn't. It was causing the company and in turn us direct sellers a lot of problems. So, they adjusted the formula and put it out again. I DID NOT like it! I refused to sell it until it was fixed. There were a lot of us reps that went to our company and let them know the product wasn't quite right. It is now and I'm thrilled with it and happy to pass it on to my customers.

The companies listen. If they don't they'll fold. So please, please as customers tell us when you're unhappy. Reps follow up with your people and make sure they are 100% happy with their products.

Have a fabulash day!

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