Saturday, May 6, 2017

I'm Baaaaacccckkkk!

It's certainly been awhile, hasn't it? A lot has happened but I'm not going to bore you with too many details. 

So, I'm still a presenter for Younique and loving it. 

I have discovered that a new kidney transplant is needed, and we're working on finding a donor. (There is one beauty who is going through matching testing right now. Fingers crossed.)

I finished my first college diploma and am proud to say I can now officially call myself a counsellor, no longer having to refer to my services as a 'peer support volunteer' (although I would never change that title and time of my life for anything), and am now taking introduction to child psychology.

Those are the highlights. Exciting, right? Go ahead and 'pffft' at me, I do. 

I want to share with you something that is happening in my business and I'm struggling to find a solution. Maybe one of you has an idea.

Participation. My business page and my VIP group were going gang busters, and then all of a sudden...Poof!...most, if not all, member participation stopped. I know 95% is my issue, but it's that 5% I don't seem to be able to figure out how to re-engage my beauties.

I'm trying. I'm reading, watching videos, I even joined a group for Direct Sellers to learn from each other, and I'm implementing strategies and they just don't seem to work for me.

I'm taking a heck of a big chance by laying my cards out on the table like this, but I want to continue to show that direct sales is a legitimate business just like any other company! We have good times and we have not so good times. Good business people go to the source of their income in the not so good times to find out what their clients want. I'm doing that now.

One of the issues that I know for sure is that someone started a rumour that I was leaving my company. That wasn't true. So I set that record straight. (In all honesty this may have been caused by me. Last November or December I mentioned to a couple of people, I thought I could trust, that with my health declining I was thinking of scaling back or possibly leaving. However, I thought (and this is my downfall frequently, thinking I mean) I'd made it clear I wasn't going anywhere. And I'm still 100% positive I can trust those people!) So quite frankly it felt personal. I can't control what other people do; I can only set the record straight. 😊

Another issue that is on me is when I do an event/fair. I've been kind of hiding behind my table display. Suddenly I'm not feeling comfortable trying to 'naturally' engage folks in conversation. So, another Direct Seller sister noticed it, and got a hold of me and gave me a much needed, much appreciated kick in the pants. The next event I didn't spend much time behind my table. 

So, as you can see if I am sitting down I'll disappear. My sweet husband went and bought me 2 bar stool type chairs so that if I need to sit down I can perch behind my display and still be seen!

Next is follow up. We're all told that following up with a customer/client is the biggest reason people come back to you. But, what if when you do your first follow up they tell you they don't want to be bothered? What do you do when the customer has had their product for 2 weeks and you drop them a quick message/email/or phone call, just to make sure they're happy and this is the response you get? I hate being spammed, so I do not spam people. I also have a couple of people who are enlisted to tell me if I'm starting to look spammy. And they have! Much appreciated. There's nothing I hate more than my facebook news feed being flooded by nothing but business posts, my email being full of businesses trying to sell to me just because I supported them once. I make sure that people who enter my free draws at events know that their contact information is solely to connect should they win. The most their going to hear from me if they don't win, is one email asking if they'd like to be on my once a month email list. If they answer and decline they never hear from me again. Same for if they don't answer. Now, I know there's other DS's out there going 'you're crazy! Those are your leads. Yes, they are, but spamming them in any form is only going to drive them into another consultant/reps open arms. So what's a girl to do?

One area that doesn't do fantastic but at least it gets some action, are games for free prizes. Of course, right? But...I have a gift card up for grabs (from a most beloved coffee shop) right now that involves a draw when my business page reaches 250 likes. I've got the random draw wheel list going so as people post that they've liked and shared the page I add their name to the list immediately. Not one new like yet, been about 10 days now.

Any suggestions?

I've said it many times before, I'm a competitor. I don't give up and I don't back down. So, if anyone was counting on or hoping I would leave the company, you'll be long gone before me. Because as slow as things are right now, I'm still smiling, I'm still excited, I'm still succeeding, and I'm still me!

God Bless and Have a Fabulash Day! 💖

PS. I realize that honesty isn't ALWAYS the best policy, but I'm hoping this time it is. 

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