Saturday, May 6, 2017

I'm Baaaaacccckkkk!

It's certainly been awhile, hasn't it? A lot has happened but I'm not going to bore you with too many details. 

So, I'm still a presenter for Younique and loving it. 

I have discovered that a new kidney transplant is needed, and we're working on finding a donor. (There is one beauty who is going through matching testing right now. Fingers crossed.)

I finished my first college diploma and am proud to say I can now officially call myself a counsellor, no longer having to refer to my services as a 'peer support volunteer' (although I would never change that title and time of my life for anything), and am now taking introduction to child psychology.

Those are the highlights. Exciting, right? Go ahead and 'pffft' at me, I do. 

I want to share with you something that is happening in my business and I'm struggling to find a solution. Maybe one of you has an idea.

Participation. My business page and my VIP group were going gang busters, and then all of a sudden...Poof!...most, if not all, member participation stopped. I know 95% is my issue, but it's that 5% I don't seem to be able to figure out how to re-engage my beauties.

I'm trying. I'm reading, watching videos, I even joined a group for Direct Sellers to learn from each other, and I'm implementing strategies and they just don't seem to work for me.

I'm taking a heck of a big chance by laying my cards out on the table like this, but I want to continue to show that direct sales is a legitimate business just like any other company! We have good times and we have not so good times. Good business people go to the source of their income in the not so good times to find out what their clients want. I'm doing that now.

One of the issues that I know for sure is that someone started a rumour that I was leaving my company. That wasn't true. So I set that record straight. (In all honesty this may have been caused by me. Last November or December I mentioned to a couple of people, I thought I could trust, that with my health declining I was thinking of scaling back or possibly leaving. However, I thought (and this is my downfall frequently, thinking I mean) I'd made it clear I wasn't going anywhere. And I'm still 100% positive I can trust those people!) So quite frankly it felt personal. I can't control what other people do; I can only set the record straight. 😊

Another issue that is on me is when I do an event/fair. I've been kind of hiding behind my table display. Suddenly I'm not feeling comfortable trying to 'naturally' engage folks in conversation. So, another Direct Seller sister noticed it, and got a hold of me and gave me a much needed, much appreciated kick in the pants. The next event I didn't spend much time behind my table. 

So, as you can see if I am sitting down I'll disappear. My sweet husband went and bought me 2 bar stool type chairs so that if I need to sit down I can perch behind my display and still be seen!

Next is follow up. We're all told that following up with a customer/client is the biggest reason people come back to you. But, what if when you do your first follow up they tell you they don't want to be bothered? What do you do when the customer has had their product for 2 weeks and you drop them a quick message/email/or phone call, just to make sure they're happy and this is the response you get? I hate being spammed, so I do not spam people. I also have a couple of people who are enlisted to tell me if I'm starting to look spammy. And they have! Much appreciated. There's nothing I hate more than my facebook news feed being flooded by nothing but business posts, my email being full of businesses trying to sell to me just because I supported them once. I make sure that people who enter my free draws at events know that their contact information is solely to connect should they win. The most their going to hear from me if they don't win, is one email asking if they'd like to be on my once a month email list. If they answer and decline they never hear from me again. Same for if they don't answer. Now, I know there's other DS's out there going 'you're crazy! Those are your leads. Yes, they are, but spamming them in any form is only going to drive them into another consultant/reps open arms. So what's a girl to do?

One area that doesn't do fantastic but at least it gets some action, are games for free prizes. Of course, right? But...I have a gift card up for grabs (from a most beloved coffee shop) right now that involves a draw when my business page reaches 250 likes. I've got the random draw wheel list going so as people post that they've liked and shared the page I add their name to the list immediately. Not one new like yet, been about 10 days now.

Any suggestions?

I've said it many times before, I'm a competitor. I don't give up and I don't back down. So, if anyone was counting on or hoping I would leave the company, you'll be long gone before me. Because as slow as things are right now, I'm still smiling, I'm still excited, I'm still succeeding, and I'm still me!

God Bless and Have a Fabulash Day! 💖

PS. I realize that honesty isn't ALWAYS the best policy, but I'm hoping this time it is. 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Did You Know?

Did you know that Younique has some very unique characteristics?
No? Well, let me share some of them with you.

To begin with, we are an all naturally-based cosmetics and skin care company. In order to be approved to call yourself 'naturally-based' your products have to meet certain industry standards. We do. I'm going to show you how we have what you need. Just keep reading. 

Younique  is one of the fastest growing direct sales companies, globally. They provide women the opportunity to realize their potential for personal growth and financial reward. When you join Younique, you join a family. A family committed to one another and celebrate each other's successes, encourage each other when we're feeling low, and validate each other in all that we are and all that we do and all that we feel. 

Another fascinating detail about Younique is that they started a foundation. The Younique Foundation is a place for survivors of sexual abuse to go to retreats and receive support, are uplifted by other survivors, and learn strategies for individual healing. The Foundation also provides retreats for parents to educate them on how to educate their children about the dangers of sexual predators and how to identify them. This, in the hopes of creating a public discussion and bringing the number of assaults to zero.

So, now I'm going to sign off and leave a poster for you to see what our cosmetics company has and doesn't have. 
I hope to hear from you soon. You can find me at Fabulously Younique, by Kelly on facebook.

Have a great day!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Are You Satisfied?

Hello all my lovelies!

Today I wanted to talk with you about product satisfaction.

I am learning that just because I'm in love with my products that I share, it doesn't mean everyone is or will be. Strange, huh? But, that's OK. My feelings don't get hurt.

I, personally, haven't had very many people come back to me and tell me they don't love the products they received from me. But I've had a couple.

There is something that every customer and Direct Sales Rep should know. All products (direct sales) have a guarantee.

Customers: If you've purchased a product, whether it be candles, makeup, food stuffs, cleaning products etc., if you're dissatisfied for any reason contact your representative right away! We can help you. Maybe you can get a refund, or product credit, or replacement for a defective product. The point is, if we don't know you're unhappy we can't help. We really would like the opportunity to make things right, before you tell your friends that our products aren't what we say they are.

Representatives: Follow up with your customers! (I'm particularly bad at this. I'm working on it.) However, prior to selling your product make sure your customer knows your company's guarantee policy, and that you WANT to hear from them if something isn't measuring up to their expectations. Make sure they know they aren't going to 'hurt your feelings' by telling you.

Where did this post come from?
Well, recently I reached out to some of the beauties that were at a home party I did in the Spring. One of those beauties told me she wasn't particularly happy with the products she'd purchased. I was disappointed to learn this of course and then did something that scared the crap out of me. I asked her if she'd be willing to get together with me and go over what was troubling her with the products she'd received. To my great surprise she said she would definitely like to do that! Big, I mean BIG sigh of relief. (My beauty, if you're reading this, THANK YOU! You gave me the kick in the pants that I needed to wrap my head around improving my customer service. You're awesome!) This particular incident was the inspiration for this post.

But there have been a couple of others who weren't exactly thrilled with what they'd purchased and when I did do the proper follow up they said that they were happy. So, when they came to me a few months later and told me that they weren't happy but didn't want to say anything for fear of 'hurting my feelings', I asked them if they'd have their feelings hurt if I told them I wasn't happy with a product they sold me that they hadn't made themselves. The answer was 'of course not. I didn't make it.' I said, "exactly." By the time they came to me our guarantee had run out.

My beautiful ladies, we can't help you if we don't know. We can't help our companies improve if you don't tell us what you don't like.

Believe me when I say that when my company comes out with a new product, I try it first. I won't sell a product I wouldn't use myself and love it. 
For example, my company re-invented their most popular item, the mascara. They did this to stop counterfeiter's from selling what looked exactly like our mascara but was cheaper and made with chemical ingredients, which ours isn't. It was causing the company and in turn us direct sellers a lot of problems. So, they adjusted the formula and put it out again. I DID NOT like it! I refused to sell it until it was fixed. There were a lot of us reps that went to our company and let them know the product wasn't quite right. It is now and I'm thrilled with it and happy to pass it on to my customers.

The companies listen. If they don't they'll fold. So please, please as customers tell us when you're unhappy. Reps follow up with your people and make sure they are 100% happy with their products.

Have a fabulash day!

Friday, July 1, 2016

I Can't Believe It's JULY!

Where on earth has 2016 gone?

This year is flying by.

Being July 1st I have to say, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANADA!"

Why not celebrate by spoiling yourself with this month's kudos. It's an amazing collection and I've got mine on the way. I'd love to see you get yours, too!

Here's what you get:

This is an awesome package and who couldn't use a gorgeous beach tote, for FREE!

Hope to see your orders coming in and if you'd like assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me. I am here to serve you!

Have a fabulash day and be safe out there!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

A Couple Things....


I have to talk about a couple of things today.

First, Take Up Make Up University. I haven't started it yet. I tried to start on the scheduled day but had technical difficulties. Then the next day as I was trying to fix the issue I got really ill. I mean really ill. I'm just starting to come out of it and I am having an "I'm On The Mend" special. I will keep you posted as to when I will be able to start the classes. I thank you so very much for your patience! In case you're wondering about my special it is: Younique's BB Flawless Cream, their 3D Fiber Lash + Mascara, and a Lucrative Lip Gloss.  The BB Flawless comes in your shade, as does the Lip Gloss. This trio would normally add up to $100 but right now I'm offering it for $85 + taxes and shipping. It's a really good deal!

Second, Network Marketing. Yes, I'm going to briefly discuss this again. An acquaintance of mine had made a statement and I'm borrowing it. Read it all, it's short. "Network Marketing is a SCAM!" I don't recommend it to anyone, unless you want to make more money, meet more people, and have more time and freedom. I mean it is the BIGGEST SCAM out there. It can cause people to walk away from their 9-5 job, helps families spend more time together, and to holiday more often. I get to help other people do the same thing. WHAT A SCAM! Could it get any worse?! Let me know if you want info on the SCAM LIFE!"

This scam life really does suck. I hate that I get to set my own hours, be my own boss (sometimes I can be a real grump for me to deal with), talk to others about the opportunities that this scam life has afforded me, meet and make new friends, and get paid to play with make up! This Scam life gave me the opportunity to go back to college, too! Ugh, I hate my life.

Third, June Kudos. There's only 8 days left to get this incredible "Flawless Four"! What is it? Well, I'll tell you. For just $119 (CAD), $99 (USD), $129 (AUD), $135 (NZD), $1720 (MXN), 79 Pounds (UK), and 105 Euros (France, Germany, and Spain), you get: Glorious Face and Eye Primer, Touch Mineral Liquid Foundation, Touch Mineral Skin Perfecting Concealer, and the Liquid Foundation Brush.

You can order directly from my website. If, when you log in, the flag in the top right corner isn't your country's, just click on it and select your country. All products will then appear in your currency. All products are shipped direct to your door!

One of the best things I like is that we don't have be close (geographically) to be friends and share the products. I can be your Younique lady anywhere Younique products are sold. We can even party together via social media platforms!

If you'd like to reach me you can leave a comment here, or go to my website and use the email link or come to my fan page on Facebook at Fabulously Younique, by Kelly. (my website gets listed this way too.)

I am really looking forward to meeting you!
Fabulashly Yours,
Fabulously Younique, by Kelly

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Just A Little Fun.

I thought today I would do 2 things.

First, I would let you know, if you don't already, that I've extended the Pretty Pampered Packages offer until May 30th, 2016 at 11:59 PM. The popularity of this promotion has simply blown me away! So, if you thought you'd missed out on this amazing opportunity, you haven't! Contact me on Facebook at Fabulously Younique, by Kelly or here at Lady Kelly's Younique to order yours today!

Second, I just wanted to have a little fun.

So here I'm going to give you a word search and I'd like you to play along in the comments below. With this word search game there just might be a prize attached to it, but I can't tell you that for sure. (Rules and regulations set forth by the company forbid publicly stating it.)

Also, I'd really appreciate those of you who are reading my blog, if you'd hit the 'follow' button. I promise you're not going to get spammed by me. I'm just not like that.
So, here's the word search and I look forward to reading your comments.
God Bless and Have a Fabulash Day!

Friday, May 20, 2016


Hello My Lovelies!

Well today I finally get to spill the beans!

I am starting a NEW private Facebook group called Take Up Make Up University! I am SO excited!

In this group I am going to show you how to use Younique's make up and tools, I'm going to share information about all of our products, including their ingredients, and I'm going to tell you why Younique is absolutely precious to me, and the best cosmetics and skin care company globally.

Now, I know you're thinking 'oh great here she goes again, trying to sell her products.' Well of course you're not wrong, but it's not my primary purpose. My primary purpose is to share with as many people as possible just what Younique is. Why it is. How it came to be. What the mission of Younique is. Along the way of course I'm going to be trying to interest you in purchasing our products, but it won't be in a way you've come to know and expect from Direct Seller's.

Education is my primary goal for Take Up Make Up University.
You see, I've found that when you know what you're doing and why you're doing something, it becomes a part of you. Something you want to share with others. It's also a major bonus, booster, freebie, whatever you want to call it, to realize that by doing what you're doing, you're helping someone else. So yes, while I hope to inspire you to purchase these products, and maybe even consider joining the Younique Sisterhood, or even host a party, I want to impart what I've learned with you.

So that's it. If you'd like to 'enrol' in my new University, pop me a message on here, on Fabulously Younique, by Kelly on Facebook, or send me a PM.

I hope to see you for our first day on Tuesday May 24th, 2016!

God Bless and Have a Fabulash Day!