Friday, May 20, 2016


Hello My Lovelies!

Well today I finally get to spill the beans!

I am starting a NEW private Facebook group called Take Up Make Up University! I am SO excited!

In this group I am going to show you how to use Younique's make up and tools, I'm going to share information about all of our products, including their ingredients, and I'm going to tell you why Younique is absolutely precious to me, and the best cosmetics and skin care company globally.

Now, I know you're thinking 'oh great here she goes again, trying to sell her products.' Well of course you're not wrong, but it's not my primary purpose. My primary purpose is to share with as many people as possible just what Younique is. Why it is. How it came to be. What the mission of Younique is. Along the way of course I'm going to be trying to interest you in purchasing our products, but it won't be in a way you've come to know and expect from Direct Seller's.

Education is my primary goal for Take Up Make Up University.
You see, I've found that when you know what you're doing and why you're doing something, it becomes a part of you. Something you want to share with others. It's also a major bonus, booster, freebie, whatever you want to call it, to realize that by doing what you're doing, you're helping someone else. So yes, while I hope to inspire you to purchase these products, and maybe even consider joining the Younique Sisterhood, or even host a party, I want to impart what I've learned with you.

So that's it. If you'd like to 'enrol' in my new University, pop me a message on here, on Fabulously Younique, by Kelly on Facebook, or send me a PM.

I hope to see you for our first day on Tuesday May 24th, 2016!

God Bless and Have a Fabulash Day!

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