Wednesday, May 18, 2016

New Stuff!

Hello All My Lovelies!

I have a couple of new, exciting projects going! I just have to share with you, it'd be selfish of me not too.

So the first one is a promotion I'm doing just until May 20th, 2016. Depending on response I will offer this one again. I'll bet you're wondering what I'm talking about. Well, I've been offering Pretty Pampered Packages! These are mystery packages of Younique products. A great way to try our products if you haven't already (if you haven't, what the heck are you waiting for?), or some of our products you want to try but haven't had the chance. All packages are surprises designed especially for YOU! *Disclaimer: Due to Younique's Presenter's Agreement I cannot disclose prices publicly. These are very reasonable and to find out more you can contact me through my facebook group Fabulously Younique, by Kelly .

The second one (as if the packages weren't enough!)is still a surprise. But one that will excite you very much. I can guarantee it! How can I? Because I am doing a very poor job of controlling my own excitement and just revealing it now! It's been a tough few weeks getting everything ready and in place. This is going to be incredible! The only things I will tell you now is: It starts May 20th (same day as the packages orders end at 11:59 pm) in the morning, you have to be added so contacting me is imperative, AND no outright selling!

Ok, that's it. I'm getting too excited and I want to spill the beans. Whew! This is tough!

Now that those are out of the way I want to share with you something I've had a rough time with.
I was always very self confident, self assured, and dare I say it, a bit of a show off. Unfortunately my self image didn't match my confidence or assuredness.

I was a classical vocalist so being on the stage and in the forefront in that manner was comfortable. Like every performer, the first few minutes on stage are a terrifying time, but then you get lost in what you're doing and nothing else matters.  But, I'm not like that anymore. Putting myself 'out there' for people to see me scares the crap out of me. I'm doing it though. I've started doing videos and more selfies and you know what? It feels great! I'm regaining what I had lost. Now don't get me wrong, I don't now, nor have I, for a very long time, cared what people think of me; their opinion is their own and it doesn't affect me in the least. When I say 'for people to see me', what I really mean is 'for me' to see me. One thing I've never had is a good self image. With all my scars and now being overweight, I look at myself in the mirror, in a selfie, or even worse, in my videos, and see someone I don't recognize or like the 'look' of. I know I've said several times that I just don't care what people think, and I don't, it's me. My wonderful husband seems to know when I'm feeling down on myself and will walk up behind me and tell me that all HE sees is a beautiful woman. He's the one who's helping me gain that more positive self image. I can look at myself in the mirror and see a beautiful face (after I put my face on) but before the make up I can see a blank canvas that I can use and highlight the most naturally beautiful parts.

I used to have the most stunning eyes, I used to get compliments from strangers out of the blue telling me how captivating my eyes were. As I've aged and things start to be not so 'supple', I've had to accept that those compliments stopped coming so frequently. I'm getting them again! I couldn't figure it out. Don't get me wrong, I love it! I bet you can guess why. I was in a store one day and while waiting in line at the check out, a gentleman turned around to leave and he did a double take. Naturally, I looked puzzled and looked around as he seemed to be looking at me, so I said 'hello'. He just looked at me and said 'I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare, but your eyes pretty.' I smiled and said Thank you! Then he left. The lady behind me tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around and she said, 'Oh wow, he was right. How do you get your lashes to look like that? And the colour of your eyes is popping, such a brilliant blue! Please tell me your secret." I thanked her and handed her my business card. I have a steady customer in her.
The point to that story? It took just one comment from a complete stranger to make me realize I'm still the same beautiful woman, I just got better with a little age.

So, if you're feeling like me, in your 40's and your mind still thinks like it's in its 20's but the mirror shows you different, or the compliments aren't as frequent as they used to be; don't worry it's all in your head. You're still as beautiful as you always were and if you don't have someone who can tell you on a regular basis, get a hold of me and I'll be your inner voice from the outside. Because I think you're stunning, and that is no lie. You ARE!

God Bless and have a Fabulash Day!!

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